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Beef Cattle Thermotolerance

Climatic stress is a major limiting factor of production efficiency in beef cattle in tropical and subtropical environments and in dairy cattle throughout most of the world. This stress is expected to increase due to climate change. More than half of the cattle in the world are maintained in hot and humid environments, including about 40% of beef cows in the US. Substantial differences in thermal tolerance exist among breeds and among animals within breeds indicative of opportunities for selective improvement. For example, Bos indicus cattle exhibit increased resistance to many environmental stressors relative to Bos taurus, but tend to have slower growth, lower fertility and poor meat quality as they have not been as intensively selected for these traits as specialized Bos taurus breeds.


Use of genomic tools to produce an animal with superior ability for both thermal adaptation and food production represents an energy-efficient sustainable approach to meet the challenge of global climate change.

R.G. Mateescu.

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. March 2022, Vol. 86, No. 10, pg

Raluca Mateescu, Fernanda Rezende, Kaitlyn Sarlo Davila, Andrea Nunez Andrade, Aakilah Hernandez, and Mauricio Elzo.

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. March 2022, Vol. 86, No. 8, pg

R.G. Mateescu.

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. Feb 2021, Vol. 85, No. 7, pg. 56-57

R.G. Mateescu.

Frontline Beef Producer. Fall 2020, Vol. 12, Issue. 2, pg. 61-62.

Raluca Mateescu, Kaitlyn Sarlo Davila, Serdal Dikmen.

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. Sept 2020, Vol. 84, No. 12, pg. 43-44

Kaitlyn Sarlo Davila, S. Dikmen, E. Rodriguez, T. Scheffler, P.A. Oltenacu and R.G. Mateescu.

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. August 2020, Vol. 84, No. 11, pg. 50-51

Article published in the Animal Genetics, 2020

Sarlo Davila K.M., A. Howell, A. Nunez, A. Orelien, V. Roe, E. Rodriguez, S. Dikmen, and R.G. Mateescu

Animal Genetics. doi: 10.1111/age.12970

Kaitlyn Sarlo Davila, Serdal Dikmen, and R.G. Mateescu.

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. July 2020, Vol. 84, No. 10, pg. 84-85

Kaitlyn Sarlo Davila, Serdal Dikmen, Peter Hansen and R.G. Mateescu.

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. April 2020, Vol. 84, No. 7, pg. 50-51.

Article published in the Journal of Animal Science, 2020

Mateescu R.G., K.M. Sarlo Davila, S. Dikmen, E. Rodriguez, and P.A. Oltenacu

J. Anim. Sci. 1:98(5):skaa126. DOI: 10.1093/jas/skaa126

Raluca Mateescu and Kaitlyn Sarlo Davila

The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal. March 2020, Vol. 84, No. 6, pg. 48-49.

By Becky Mills

Gulf Coat Cattlemen.

May 2019, pg. 33-34

Article published in the Journal of Animal Science, July 2019

Sarlo Davila K.M., H. Hamblen, P.J. Hansen, S. Dikmen, P.A. Oltenacu and R.G. Mateescu.

J. Anim. Sci. 97:3246–3252. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz188

Article published in the Journal of Animal Science, 2018

Heather Hamblen, Peter J. Hansen, Adriana M. Zolini, Pascal A. Oltenacu, and Raluca G. Mateescu

J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 96:3131-3137

Article published in the Journal of Animal Science. 2018

Dikmen S., R.G. Mateescu, M.A. Elzo, and P.J. Hansen

J. Anim. Sci. 2018.96:2175–2183

Interview with the romanian magazine "The farm" - December 2017 (in romanian)

Article published in the UF ANS Beef Research Report, 2017

Hamblen H., A. Zolini, M. Gobena, P.J. Hansen and R.G. Mateescu.


Article published in the 2017 Fall edition of the "FRONTLINE Beef Producer"

(pages 20 - 27)

or available here as text or here as pdf

Article based on an interview with the "Quo" - September 2017 (in spanish)

Article published in the Florida Cattlemen Journal, October 2017

Heather Hamblen and Raluca Mateescu

Profile published in the North America Analysis August 2017 edition - publication focusing on a number of key areas within the US and Canada such as healthcare, the environment, and science. You can follow the link to the publication (page 36-37) or download a pdf copy here.

Article published in the Florida Cattlemen Journal, February 2017

Raluca Mateescu, Peter Hansen, Serdal Dikmen

Mateescu's Animal Genomics Group Flipped.jpg

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